How to Install Akeneo 7 on Hypernode

Akeneo 7 preferably requires a Hypernode Pelican L, Falcon M, Eagle M hosting plan or larger. You can either choose to install it on a seperate Hypernode instance or on the same Hypernode as your Magento or Shopware installation. If you choose the latter you have to make sure that you have enough resources (disk space, memory and CPU) left. Furthermore you need to make sure that you are already using MySQL 8.0, PHP 8.1 and OpenSearch 2.x, so it won’t affect your shop negatively. Installing Akeneo version 7.x may take up to 15 minutes.
Important note: Akeneo 7.x requires MySQL 8.0.30, which is only available on Debian Bookworm.

Enable managed_vhosts

All new Hypernodes (from April 2020) will automatically be booted with Hypernode Managed Vhosts. If you already have an older Hypernode, then you need to enable Hypernode Managed Vhosts by running the following command:

hypernode-systemctl settings managed_vhosts_enabled True

Create a Managed_vhost for a (Sub)Domain

If your Magento or Shopware installation already points to, you can create a managed_vhost for your Akeneo installation on a subdomain, for example The command below will also install Let’s Encrypt and force your domain to use HTTPS.

hypernode-manage-vhosts --type generic-php --https --force-https --webroot /data/web/akeneo/public

The file server.akeneo.conf will be created and the nginx configuration will look like this:

root /data/web/akeneo/public;

include /etc/nginx/handlers.conf;
include /etc/nginx/phpmyadmin.conf;

index index.php index.html;

location / {
    try_files $uri /index.php$is_args$args;

location ~ \.php$ {
    echo_exec @phpfpm;

Upgrade to MySQL 8.0

Important: After an update to MySQL 5.7 or 8.0, it’s not possible to switch back to MySQL 5.6.

It’s important to follow these steps in order since you cannot upgrade straight from MySQL 5.6 to MySQL 8.0.

First you’ll have to upgrade MySQL 5.6 to 5.7 by running the commando:

hypernode-systemctl settings mysql_version 5.7

After that upgrade from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0

hypernode-systemctl settings mysql_version 8.0

Upgrade Your PHP Version to 8.1

Before installing Akeneo, make sure your PHP version is changed to PHP 8.1.

hypernode-systemctl settings php_version 8.1


hypernode-systemctl settings php_apcu_enabled True

Configure and Enable OpenSearch v2.x

hypernode-systemctl settings opensearch_version 2.x
hypernode-systemctl settings opensearch_enabled True

Download and Install Akeneo 7 Using the Pre-install

On Hypernode we offer an easy way to install Akeneo 7 using one of our pre-install images. Use the following command to install Akeneo 7.

hypernode-systemctl preinstall akeneo_7_0

Download and Install Akeneo 7 Manually Using the Command Line

If you don’t want to use the pre-install image, than follow the steps below to manually download and install Akeneo in /data/web/akeneo

Configuring Node.js v18

hypernode-systemctl settings nodejs_version 18

After Node.js has been installed you can check if it’s correctly set by running node -v. This should output v18.x.x.

Install the Latest Version of Yarn

echo 'prefix=${HOME}/.npm' > ~/.npmrc
npm install -g yarn
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
ln -s ~/.npm/bin/yarn ~/.local/bin/yarn
ln -s ~/.npm/bin/yarnpkg ~/.local/bin/yarnpkg
source ~/.profile

Download Akeneo 7

composer create-project akeneo/pim-community-standard:"^7.0" akeneo

Create a Database

mysql -e "create database akeneo_pim;"

Configure Your .env File

Edit the values of your MySQL user, password, host and OpenSearch host in /data/web/akeneo/.env

sed -i "s/APP_DATABASE_PASSWORD=akeneo_pim/APP_DATABASE_PASSWORD=$(cat ~/.my.cnf | grep password | awk '{print$NF}')/" /data/web/akeneo/.env
sed -i "s/APP_DATABASE_USER=akeneo_pim/APP_DATABASE_USER=$(cat ~/.my.cnf | grep user | awk '{print$NF}')/" /data/web/akeneo/.env
sed -i "s/APP_DATABASE_HOST=mysql/APP_DATABASE_HOST=mysqlmaster/" /data/web/akeneo/.env
sed -i "s/APP_INDEX_HOSTS=localhost:9200/" /data/web/akeneo/.env

cp /data/web/akeneo/.env /data/web/akeneo/.env.local

Launch Akeneo 7

NO_DOCKER=true make prod

Create an Administrator User

Fill in the form with a Username, Password, First name, Last name, Email and local code.

bin/console pim:user:create

Setting up the job queue daemon

On Hypernode we have two options to set up the job queue daemon for Akeneo. This can be done via Supervisor or the Cron.

Option 1. Configure Supervisor

Enable Supervisor

Before we start using Supervisor we first need to enable it on the Hypernode.

hypernode-systemctl settings supervisor_enabled True

Create a configuration file for Supervisor

Create a file in the configuration directory of supervisor: ~/supervisor/akeneodaemon.conf

command=php bin/console messenger:consume ui_job import_export_job data_maintenance_job --env=prod

Bring the changes into effect

supervisorctl reread
supervisorctl update

Launch the daemon

supervisorctl start akeneo_queue_daemon

Option 2. Configure Your Akeneo Crons

Configure your crons by adding these scripts to your crontab file as recommended by Akeneo:

30 1 * * * php /data/web/akeneo/bin/console pim:versioning:refresh
30 2 * * * php /data/web/akeneo/bin/console pim:versioning:purge –more-than-days 90 --no-interaction --force
1 * * * * php /data/web/akeneo/bin/console akeneo:connectivity-audit:update-data
20 0 1 * * php /data/web/akeneo/bin/console akeneo:batch:purge-job-execution
30 4 * * * php /data/web/akeneo/bin/console pim:volume:aggregate
10 * * * * php /data/web/akeneo/bin/console akeneo:connectivity-connection:purge-error
30 3 * * * php /data/web/akeneo/bin/console akeneo:connectivity-audit:purge-error-count
15 0 * * * php /data/web/akeneo/bin/console pim:data-quality-insights:schedule-periodic-tasks
10 * * * * php /data/web/akeneo/bin/console pim:data-quality-insights:prepare-evaluations
30 * * * * php /data/web/akeneo/bin/console pim:data-quality-insights:evaluations
5 * * * * php /data/web/akeneo/bin/console akeneo:connectivity-connection:purge-events-api-logs
4 21 * * 0 php /data/web/akeneo/bin/console akeneo:connectivity-connection:openid-keys:create --no-interaction
30 0 * * * php /data/web/akeneo/bin/console pim:data-quality-insights:clean-completeness-evaluation-results --no-interaction
*/10 * * * * php /data/web/akeneo/bin/console pim:job-automation:push-scheduled-jobs-to-queue
0 */2 * * * php /data/web/akeneo/bin/console akeneo:messenger:doctrine:purge-messages messenger_messages default