Bitbucket Pipelines

Configuring deployment environments

To start using Bitbucket Pipelines, we need to prepare the environments we want to deploy to.

For example, these environments can be:

  • production

  • acceptance (or staging)

  • test

Configuring the production environment

Hypernode Deploy will need a pair of SSH keys for authentication to the server.

Use Bitbucket repository SSH Keys

Bitbucket allows you to create an SSH key from the Repository Settings, you do this by going to Repository Settings -> Pipelines -> SSH Keys

  1. Under SSH key press the Generate keys button.

  2. Copy the Public key as showed in the textbox to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on your host.

Generating own pair of SSH Keys

You cangenerate an SSH keypair on the server, copy the public key to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file and encode the private key with base64. We’ll use this base64-encoded private key later on.

app@abc-example-magweb-cmbl:~$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C bb-pipelines-deploy -f bb-pipelines-deploy -q -P ""
app@abc-example-magweb-cmbl:~$ cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
app@abc-example-magweb-cmbl:~$ cat bb-pipelines-deploy | base64 -w0  # encode the private key with base64

Now go to your Bitbucket repository and enable Bitbucket pipelines being going to Repository settings -> Pipelines -> Settings and turn on Enable Pipelines.

Now go to Repository settings -> Pipelines -> Repository variables.


If you used Bitbucket Pipeline SSH Keys as described above, you do not need to add an SSH_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable.

  1. Create a new variable with name SSH_PRIVATE_KEY, mark this variable as Secured.

  2. Set the Value to the base64-encoded private key we generated earlier.

  3. Click Add.

To add hosts to the Pipeline known hosts go to Repository settings -> Pipelines -> SSH Keys

  1. Set Host address to your hypernode instance (e.g.

  2. Click Fetch to fetch the hostname fingerprint

  3. Click Add Host to add host to known hosts

  4. Repeat this for all hosts the pipeline will connect to (for example production, staging)


Create the file bitbucket-pipelines.yml with the contents below. This workflow will be used in other workflows.


    - step: &hypernode-build
        name: Build
         - hypernode-deploy build
         - build/**


Don’t forget to set the specifications of the image to what your project needs. The same goes for the deploy steps. For example, if your project needs PHP 8.3 and Node.js 20, set the image to:


Deploy to production

Add the following to the bitbucket-pipelines.yml file.

  # Deploy to production
    - step: *hypernode-build
    - step:
        name: Deploy to production
        deployment: production
          - hypernode-deploy deploy production

Deploy to acceptance

If you have an acceptance (or staging) stage in your deployment flow, here’s an example on how to deploy that.

  # Deploy to acceptance
  acceptance: # acceptance/staging branch
    - step: *hypernode-build
    - step:
        name: Deploy to staging
        deployment: staging
          - hypernode-deploy deploy staging