How to install WooCommerce on Hypernode

This article will explain how you can setup the latest version of WooCommerce on Hypernode as easy as possible.

Upgrade your PHP version

WooCommerce supports a wide range of PHP versions, but for this article we’ll choose the highest possible version. Run the following command to upgrade to PHP 8.1:

$ hypernode-systemctl settings php_version 8.1

Upgrade your MySQL version

To make sure you’re on MySQL 8.0, run the following command:

hypernode-systemctl settings mysql_version 8.0

Setting your NGINX vhost type

To be able to host WooCommerce on Hypernode you need to set your vhost type to ‘wordpress’:

$ hypernode-manage-vhosts --type wordpress
INFO: Managing configs for
INFO: Writing HTTP config for
INFO: Writing HTTPS config for

Installing WooCommerce

To install WooCommerce, there are two options:

  1. Using our preinstall command-line tool

  2. Installing WooCommerce manually

Download and install WooCommerce using the preinstall

On Hypernode we offer an easy way to install WooCommerce using one of our pre-install presets. Use the following command to install WooCommerce:

$ hypernode-systemctl preinstall woocommerce

To follow the progress of the preinstall, run the program livelog.

Installing WooCommerce manually

First you need to create a database for the WooCommerce application and create some directories:

$ echo create database woocommerce | mysql
$ mkdir -p /data/web/wordpress
$ # Backup public directory. If the directory is empty or wasn't being used, feel free to remove it instead.
$ test -d /data/web/public && mv /data/web/public /data/web/public.bak
$ ln -s /data/web/wordpress /data/web/public

Now we can start downloading, configuring and installing the base for WooCommerce onto the Hypernode.

$ ~/wordpress
$ wp core download
$ #  Please check your mysql password at ~/.my.cnf for the next step
$ wp core config --dbhost='localhost' --dbuser='app' --dbpass='your_mysql_password' --dbprefix='wp_'
$ wp core install --admin_user='mynode_admin' --admin_password='insecure_wp_password' --admin_email='' --url='' --title='My WooCommerce Shop'

At this point, you should be able to access your application at ‘’, but you’ll note that it’s just a WordPress site. To change that into a WooCommerce site, run the following commands:

$ # Optional: before installing the WooCommerce plugin, we set the email from address so we can make sure that our mails arrive.
$ wp option set woocommerce_email_from_address ''
$ wp plugin install redis-cache nginx-helper woocommerce wordfence --activate
$ wp theme install storefront --activate
$ wp redis enable

Now when you reload your site, you’ll see that some things have changed and that there’s a ‘Shop’ link in the menu. WooCommerce is now up and running! Below are some recommended settings you can do:

$ # Use SEO friendly URL rewrites
$ wp rewrite structure '/%postname%/'
$ # Run the WordPress cron from the system and not during web page requests (2 steps)
$ wp config set DISABLE_WP_CRON true
$ # Open your crontab editor with `crontab -e` and add the following line:
$ */2 * * * * chronic php /data/web/wordpress/wp-cron.php