How to Change the Timezone in Shopware 5.x

As you probably know, the world is divided in a bunch of time zones. Because Hypernode is hosted in the cloud, the system timezone is set to UTC. This is because we cannot always know in what timezone the server will be hosted, but we want to deliver a consistent system timezone for our customers.

You will probably want to work in a different timezone OR show a different timezone to your customers. So this is an issue not only when dealing with a Hypernode, but also when operating an intercontinental shop.

How to Change the Timezone for Your Shopware 5.x Shop

Unlike Magento, Shopware does not give you an option to change the timezone for the shop itself via their backend. In order to change the timezone for the order and such you will need to install an additional module. More information about this can be found via:

Is the Module Also Available for Shopware 6.x?

At the moment we are not aware of any modules for Shopware 6.x to change the timezone for your orders.