Hypernode Cluster
Hypernode comes as a single server setup by default. This is to make sure that latency between services is as low as possible, and that the server is as fast as possible. However, if you have a lot of traffic, or a lot of data, you might want to consider a cluster setup. This is a setup where you have multiple servers, each with their own task. This way, you can scale your setup to your needs.
Hypernode Cluster is available for both cloud and dedicated nodes. Dedicated nodes benefit extra from a cluster setup, as they are more prone to going down because of hardware failures. With a cluster setup, you can make sure that your setup stays up even if one of your servers fails.
Cluster vs single server
Choosing between a single server setup and a cluster setup is a trade-off between performance and flexibility. A single server setup is the fastest, but a cluster setup is more flexible as it allows for more ways of scaling up the available resources. You can add more servers to your cluster, allowing you to scale your setup to your needs. However, a cluster setup does come with a performance penalty. The latency between services is higher, which causes a slight overhead in performance.
Up/downgrading between plans
You’re able to up or downgrade your plan with Hypernode whenever you want. This applies to both single server setups and cluster setups.
In a Hypernode cluster this goes per Hypernode. So if you have a cluster with 3 Hypernodes, you can upgrade 1 Hypernode to a higher plan, and the other 2 Hypernodes can stay on the old plan. This allows you to scale your setup to your needs while the rest of the cluster stays up.
Connecting between cluster Hypernodes
All Hypernodes within the same cluster are connected to each other. You can see how the Hypernodes relate to each other in the map:
You can generate this map on the fly using the CLI command hypernode-cluster-map
. You can also get a detailed overview of the
state of the cluster using the CLI command hypernode-cluster-info
app@1fosk3-hnclusterweb1-magweb-hetz:~$ hypernode-cluster-info
| Hypernode | Roles | Private_IP | Private_subnet | Cluster_IP |
| hnclusterdb1 | mysql | | | |
| hnclusterlb1 | redis, nfs, loadbalancer | | | |
| hnclusterweb1 | web | | | |
| hnclusterweb2 | web | | | |
All nodes within the cluster can communicate with each other over their cluster IP addresses. These are private IP addresses that are only accessible within the cluster, as they are Wireguard tunnels between each Hypernode in the cluster.
app@1fosk3-hnclusterweb1-magweb-hetz:~$ ssh hnclusterdb1.hypernode.io hostname
# For convenience, you can also use the short hostname
app@1fosk3-hnclusterweb1-magweb-hetz:~$ ssh hnclusterdb1.h hostname
Private network switch
We can provide you with a private network so that your Hypernodes can communicate with each other with a larger bandwidth than over a regular internet connection. This is especially useful if you have a lot of traffic between your Hypernodes, or if you have a lot of data that needs to be transferred between your Hypernodes.
For this we provide a subnet where every Hypernode has its own private network IP address, which is only accessible to Hypernodes in the same cluster and in the same datacenter/regions. Just like with Wireguard connections you can connect between Hypernodes over the same private network. When available, we automatically configure the use of the private network over Wireguard connections because of the larger bandwidth.