How to Add Custom HTTP Headers to a File or Location

In some cases, you may wish to add additional HTTP headers to a file or location. Most commonly, these headers will be used to provide additional information for troubleshooting purposes, for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), or to set specific caching directives.

Add HTTP Header to a Single File

Adding an HTTP header to one single file is relatively easy. Simply create a server.headers file in /data/web/nginx/ containing the following snippet:

location /info.html {
    add_header "Some Header Name" "Some value";

Add HTTP Header to Multiple Files/Location

You often wish to add an HTTP header to multiple files, for instance, all the images loaded when someone is browsing your website. This can be done using a Regular Expression (regex) within the server.headers file. For example:

location ~* (.+\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|css|png|js|ico|html|xml|txt))$ {
    add_header Pragma public;
    add_header Cache-Control "public";

It is possible to add HTTP headers to all files by not defining any location or file. For example:

add_header Pragma public;

If you want to override, for example, the /media/ location but also other used locations in /etc/nginx/magentoX.conf, you must use another regex than the already defined location block in our Magento Nginx configs:

Use the following in the /data/web/nginx/server.headers configuration file:

location ~* ^/media/.*\.(css|js|png|gif|txt)$ {
    add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin "";

And don’t forget to change the domain name in the above example. You could add more file extensions if you want.

Keep in Mind

  • It is only possible in Nginx to add locations once. Only the first location in the configuration file takes presence. This is because the Nginx config works on a per-request base.

  • Don’t use a colon (:) when adding headers. This will result in inconsistent results in different browsers.